View Profile Krzyek

6 Movie Reviews

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Good job!

So the first impression was: Hoss Delgado crossed with Korgoth of Barbaria fights silly villains just like the Tick.

I really admire your work. Drawing all the symbols, animating, inventing creative ways to die, good music and decent voice acting. Waiting for more.

Nice job.

The animation and artwork are great. The only two things I would improve are some sound effects and voice acting ( it was OK, but it could have been better ). BTW the loading time was quite long.

I hope there will be a WFB collab in the future. I would like to try my VA skills.

By the Emprah, keep up the good work.

Yay finaly a WH40K collab!

I rate it 7/10.

Voice acting - It was well... quite bad. For example some of the voices didn't fit the characters (the british marine and the blood raven) I pledge to do some acting for fantasy collab. I believe my skills are at least a bit better than those in the collab. ( must do a demo, for now watch my flash. NOTE: I am capable of doing much more)

Graphics - some were really great, specially from flashbound18 and BoMbLu

Humour - it was OK

Size - c'mon it's ridiculous. Street figther has 28.5 and much much more content. Don't do the same thing with the fantasy collab.

Preloader - Very good...for the first 5 times later you have to turn the volume off because the flash is loading so long. BTW I have made a WFB themed Newgrounds logo with a steam tank.

My favourite part was with the Terminator reference.

Hope this review helps.

Good job!

Graphic and animation is on a very good level. I've got only 2 little complaints.

Intro - Although it was nicely drawn and animated it was definately too long. Some people might not be patient enough.

Music - personaly I don't like japanese pop/pop rock music. Also I think it doesn't fit with Warcraft. It would be good if you made a 100% anime flash.

Good job.

Nice, fluent animation. There are two things that bug me:
1. The quality of sound ( the voices ), its rather poor but I presume you couldn't do anything about it.
2. The preloader bar. I've got good vision but some people might not see the difference between red and slightly lighter red.

Anyway I liked the animation (however I have never played the game).


PuffballsUnited responds:

I can't do anything about the quality of the voices for two reasons:
1) It would make the file-size too big
2) The voices already sound kinda bad in the game.

Also, I fixed the preloader bar. Never got to see it in action when I tested the movie.

Age 32, Male

Joined on 5/11/09

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